

Sunday 16 May 2021

Drumming and om-ing for the health!

 Day three of my Voice & Sound elective and when I very first saw this elective and decided I wanted to do it, I was no imagining this. Not even in the slightest. Actually, I don't know what I was imaging if I am to be honest. I definitely love it though. It has never occurred to me before now just how important our voice is. From the moment we are born and we use our voice to have our needs met, through to when we are taught to suppress our voices when our parents shhhhhhhhhh us when we are crying, to bigger, deeper silencing that might happen through our lives. It never occurred to me how much we can know about a person just by listening to them speak. You can hear anxiety, depression, you can hear fear, you can hear when someone is used to not being heard, it is truly amazing.

Today, we sat around and had a drumming circle that evolved into an om circle.

I woke up at 3 am with a migraine. Knowing I had to be out of the house all day humaning, I got up and took some painkillers. It was still there when my alarm went off almost 4 hours later. I believe it was coming up from tense muscles I had just under my shoulder blade. I know this seems like a tangent from the topic but it's relevant. It's relevant because after the drumming circle and the om circle I realised, the pain had completely vanished from my head and almost entirely vanished from my back! 

I know we are all just made up of energy particles and that sound is also an energy particle but it still blows my mind that chanting om and by feeling the vibrations of the drums, it can lift acute pain. Imagine what doing that regularly could potentially do for chronic pain? Intriguing idea, no?

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